Belt Buckets for Carrying Your Tools Efficiently
Then the equipment started to get more complicated. What with the squeegee, the applicator, the scraper — you needed several extra hands, with at least one left free for the ladder. Fortunately, the perfect answer emerged to meet the challenge — the belt bucket. And here at The Windowclean Centre we have a great selection for you to choose from.
Unger Bucket on a Belt — Classic
The first manufacturer to come up with a solution was Unger, who released their pioneering Bucket on a Belt. Technically, this name should only be used for Unger products, but such was its impact that it’s joined the group of brands whose names tend to be used generically.
The Bucket on a Belt (rebranded as “Classic” after other variations became available) is a moulded container that will fit easily on your tool belt, with a quick-release clip. It offers space for your squeegee, strip washer and a retractable scraper.
Ettore Sidekick
While Unger’s Bucket on a Belt represented an invaluable step forward, there was one major drawback to it. It only worked right-handed, leaving left-handed window cleaners without any options.
Ettore corrected this omission with their Sidekick. Essentially very similar to the original model, this works on either side. It also has spare clips available, so you can take it off and hang it up in your van.
Find out more about the Ettore Sidekick Tool Holder...
Pulex Tubex Tool Holder
While the first two options are limited to just one squeegee, Pulex’s Tubex Tool Holder made another big step by providing compartments for up to three squeegees, as well as a strip washer. The compartments are also deeper, allowing use of a wider range of squeegees.
Ambidextrous like the Sidekick, the Tubex offers a choice between the quick-release clip and a fixed belt loop. Again like the Sidekick, you can easily get spare clips to hang the bucket in your van while not in use.
Get the best price for a Pulex Tubex Tool Holder...
Unger Ninja Bucket on Belt Tool Holder
Having created the original solution and then been left a little behind, Unger responded by creating their Ninja model. This combined all the features of their original Classic Bucket on Belt with the innovations introduced by Ettore and Pulex, plus a couple of its own.
The Ninja can be used with either hand and offers space for two squeegees and a strip washer, and in addition has a compartment for a small retractable scraper. Its biggest innovation, however, is the rubber insert that will protect the squeegees from damage.
Learn about the ways of the ninja...
Moerman Drywalker
The curse of the window cleaner has always been permanently wet trousers, where dripping tools leak down your leg. The Moerman Drywalker solves this most annoying of problems with a drip tray and water reservoir to keep your leg dry.
In addition, the two squeegee compartments can be augmented by clipping on a double squeegee holder, allowing you to carry up to four.
We Offer a Wide Choice of Belt Buckets
We offer all these belt buckets and more, such as the TopLock Quiver Tool Holder and the Moerman Toolholder 2.0, which offer their own solutions to the original problem of carrying multiple tools. Check out the various options and decide which one is best for your needs.
Click here to see our whole range of belt buckets...